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Standard Holly Tree | Ilex meserveae 'Blue Maid' | 50-60cm, 80-90cm

A very popular Standard Holly (Supplied at a height of 50-90cm approx including the growers pot). The Holly becomes smothered with shiny red berries in the autumn/winter. 

✓ Low maintenance

✓ Easy to grow

✓ Becomes smothered in red berries in the Autumn/Winter

✓ Glossy evergreen foliage

✓ Supplied in a 14cm Growers Pot. Height including pot 50-60cm

✓ Supplied in a 3L Growers Pot. Height including pot 80-90cm

✓ Plant in Full Sun/Partial Shade

✓ Female Holly

✓ Popular Variety   

More information:

A very low maintenance tree once established. Ensure that you water regularly for the first two years whilst they establish. Birds will be very fond of the berries and the berries can often be a vital food source, if you want to keep the berries on your plant, you may need to net the bushes. It is recommended to plant a male variety close by to ensure the plant produces berries.

Toxic to humans and pets if eaten.