Record Seed Potatoes
are a high-yielding maincrop variety valued for their excellent cooking qualities and distinctive, golden-yellow flesh. These potatoes are a favourite for frying and baking, producing wonderfully crispy chips, fluffy roast potatoes, and smooth mash. Record potatoes are also well-regarded for their robust flavour and versatility, making them a go-to choice in both home and commercial kitchens.
Key Features:
Maincrop Variety:
Record potatoes typically mature in about 20 weeks, providing a generous harvest in late summer and autumn.
Excellent Flavour:
With a rich, buttery taste and firm texture, they’re ideal for chipping, roasting, mashing, and baking.
High Yield:
Produces a heavy crop of large, uniform tubers, making it a reliable choice for gardeners seeking maximum productivity.
Long Storage Capability:
Stores well for extended periods, ensuring you can enjoy your potatoes long after harvest.
Disease Resistant:
Good resistance to common potato diseases, ensuring healthy growth and a reliable crop.
Growing Instructions:
Plant maincrop potatoes from March. Before planting, 'chit' the seed potatoes by setting them out in a cool, bright position (around 10°C / 50°F) to allow them to sprout.
When growing maincrop potatoes in the ground, avoid planting in soil where potatoes have been grown for two consecutive years to reduce the risk of disease. Select a sheltered location with full sun and moist, well-drained soil, and dig in plenty of well-rotted manure. Plant the seed potatoes in rows, spacing them 45cm (18") apart, with rows set out 75cm (2', 6") apart. Place the seed potatoes into 10cm (4") deep trenches and backfill with soil. Once the shoots reach 20cm (8"), mound soil around them, leaving just a few centimetres exposed. Repeat this earthing-up process after another three weeks.
For those with limited space, consider growing potatoes in bags. Fill an 8-litre potato bag with good quality compost mixed with well-rotted manure, leaving some room at the top. Carefully plant a single chitted tuber with the shoots pointing upwards at a depth of 12cm (5") from the soil surface. Position the bags in a sunny area and water regularly to keep the compost moist.
Following these guidelines will help you enjoy a bountiful harvest of Record Seed Potatoes, perfect for creating the ultimate chips, roasties, and more!
Jamieson Brothers Seed Potatoes