A hybrid tea rose which produces large deep pink, slightly scented blooms against dark green glossy foliage. A repeat flowering rose which is disease resistant.
✓ Deep pink, scented blooms
✓ Height x Spread: 80cm x 60cm
✓ Repeat flowering
✓ Disease resistant
✓ Double scented blooms
✓ Best planted in
Full Sun
✓ Supplied in a 4L growers pot
More information
Supplied in a 4L growers pot
Please note that these Roses will not need pruning on arrival as this has already been done. Our roses are not sent out as ‘bare root’ (which is when the plants arrive without pots or compost). Our Roses will arrive planted in a growers pot with compost which has enough feed for 4 months. Although our roses are dispatched in a growers pot the Rose may not have rooted in the growers pot they are sent out in, this is because the roses are dormant from November - March and are not growing at this time of year and therefore will not have produced any new roots in the pot, meaning that when you remove the rose from the pot for planting the compost may fall away from the roots - please do not worry as this is normal. Alternatively if you decide you do not want to plant your roses yet, you can leave them in their pots until March when they will have become rooted. If you do keep them in the growers pots simply ensure you water them more frequently.
Our Roses can be planted 365 days of the year, providing that the ground is not frozen or waterlogged at time of planting