Hyacinth Mixed (3 Bulbs)

These beautiful Hyacinths will burst into colour each April with their gorgeous blooms. They are highly fragrant. They can be planted directly in the garden or can be planted in containers. You can also grow Hyacinths indoors. 

✓ Highly fragrant 

✓ A mix of colourful vibrant blooms

✓ Can be planted in Full Sun or Partial Shade 

✓ Mass of spring colour 

✓ Ideal in beds, borders and containers

✓ Make excellent cut flowers

✓ Flower March - April 

✓ Hyacinths will flower the following year too!

Top Tips For Planting: 
Plant these Bulbs between August - December 
They can be planted in containers or in the garden
Plant in full sun or partial shade
Ensure you plant the bulbs with the pointed side facing upwards
Space the bulbs two times the size of the bulb your planting apart    

Use gloves to handle and plant Hyacinth bulbs. Hyacinths can cause skin irritation.