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Foremost Seed Potatoes 2KG


Foremost Seed Potatoes are an exceptional choice for gardeners seeking an early harvest of delicious, smooth-skinned potatoes. Renowned for their creamy-white flesh and great taste, these first early potatoes are perfect for boiling, steaming, or adding to salads. Their early maturity allows for a bountiful crop in a short period, making them an ideal option for gardeners looking to enjoy homegrown potatoes sooner in the season.

Key Features:

  • Early Harvest: Typically ready to harvest just 10-12 weeks after planting, Foremost potatoes offer a quick turnaround, perfect for early summer enjoyment.

  • Excellent Taste: Known for their smooth texture and creamy flavour, they are versatile in the kitchen and ideal for various culinary applications.

  • High Yield: These seed potatoes produce a generous crop, making them a rewarding choice for both new and experienced gardeners.

  • Disease Resistant: Foremost potatoes are bred to be resilient against common potato diseases, ensuring a healthier crop.

Growing Instructions:  

Plant your first early potato crops from late February. Before planting, 'chit' the seed potatoes by placing them in a cool, bright spot (around 10°C / 50°F) to encourage sprouting.

For ground planting, avoid areas where potatoes have been grown for the last two years to reduce disease risks. Prepare a sheltered, sunny spot with moist, well-drained soil, and incorporate well-rotted manure. Space seed potatoes 30cm (12") apart in 10cm (4") deep trenches, with rows set 60cm (2') apart. Once shoots reach 20cm (8"), mound soil around them, leaving a few centimetres visible. Repeat this after three weeks.

If space is limited, consider growing potatoes in bags. Use an 8-litre potato bag filled with quality compost mixed with well-rotted manure. Plant a single chitted tuber with the shoots facing up at a depth of 12cm (5") from the surface. Place the bag in a sunny location and water regularly to keep the compost moist.

With these simple steps, you'll be well on your way to enjoying a bountiful harvest of Foremost Seed Potatoes!