Clematis 'Miss Bateman' 60cm

Clematis ‘Miss Bateman’ is a compact, free flowering, early flowering clematis. The large flowers are white with a slight tint of pink. This Clematis produces its main flush of blooms in late spring - early summer and is often followed by a second flush from August to September.

✓ Ideal for being grown in a container
✓ Ideal in Sun or Partial Shade
✓ Height x Spread: 2.5m x 1m
✓ Plant in moist but well drained soil
✓ To encourage blooms to cover the whole plant, train the stems so that they are evenly spaced on their support. As new growth appears in mid-spring, train this to fill any gaps.

✓Height including pot 60cm 

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This climber is deciduous, it will lose its leaves in autumn and fresh new growth will appear in the spring. Remove any dead or damaged stems in early spring, cut all remaining stems back to strong buds. Apply a mulch of compost around the base of the plant after pruning.