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Olive Tree | Olea europea | 90-110cm

A brilliant, essential evergreen tree which is very easy to care for and looks beautiful either side of a doorway, in a pot on the patio or planted directly in the garden. These Olive Trees will look great in the garden all year round and are ideal for adding evergreen architectural structure to your displays. 

✓ Professionally grown into a 'Lollipop' shape 

✓ Olives look brilliant positioned either side of a doorway, on a patio or planted directly in the garden 

✓ Exotic, Mediterranean specimen 

✓ Plant in loam based compost such as John Innes no 3 - we recommend adding some grit to help with the drainage. If you are planting the trees directly in the garden, we would recommend adding grit and some fresh compost to the hole when planting.  

✓ Hardy. Younger trees will need protection if temperatures drop below -5 degrees c

✓ Low maintenance 

✓ Olive Trees are drought tolerant whilst established. You should water your Olive Trees regularly and do not allow the soil to dry out.

✓ Position in Full Sun/ Partial Shade

✓ Clip the trees occasionally to keep the Lollipop shape.

✓ Supplied at a height of 90-110cm including 3L growers pot.