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Prunus Ornamental Flowering Cherry Blossom Shrub - Incisa 'KOJOU-NO-MAI' 9cm / 2L / 4L

This Japanese Alpine Cherry Shrub is covered in  white flowers in the spring time. This shrub is perfect for smaller gardens or planted in containers, where you want spring blossom but you may be short of space. This shrub is suitable for low temperatures which is why they're able to provide beautiful showy blooms earlier on in the season!  

✓ Bursts into flower when much of the garden is only just waking up 

✓ A mass of blossom year after year

✓ Awarded RHS Award of Garden Merit  

✓ Provides an important source of early nectar for Bees

✓ Flowers March - April

✓ Ideal for being grown in containers 

✓ New foliage has a bronzed tinge which darkens to a vibrant orange in the autumn before falling

✓ Height and spread: 250cm x 250cm 

✓ Supplied in a growers pot which has a width of 9cm / 17cm / 20cm height including pot 10-20cm / 40-50cm / 60-70cm


Provide a good sized pot for your blossom tree, making sure your pot has a hole in the bottom for drainage. Flowering cherries grow best in Ericaceous soil so be sure to add plenty of this in your container. Once planted you must water regularly, especially for their first year to establish their roots within the soil.

Please note that our image is for illustrative purpose only, depending on the time of year the plant may vary.