by One Click Plants February 28, 2024 2 min read

Spring is one of the best times to get outside and begin enjoying your garden. And spring is right around the corner, so now is the perfect time to begin preparing your garden for the arrival of this highly anticipated season. 

With these top tips, we’ll help you ensure your garden has recovered from any harsh winter weather conditions, your soil and ground is prepared for planting summer bulbs, and your spring flowering plants are well taken care of.


Tidy up your borders and flower beds post-winter 

If you’re stepping out into your garden for the first time this year, you may notice that your garden has seen better days. Thanks to the wind, rain, ice, and snow of the colder winter months, gardens will often need a quick tidy up to welcome the arrival of the spring season. This will include removing dead plants or debris from your borders and flower beds, making sure the spring bulbs have the room they need to blossom. If your soil is a manageable consistency and you are able to dig, it is recommended that you use natural fertilisers such as manure or compost, digging this into your borders. This will ensure even better growth throughout the year and guarantee a high quality soil. Perfect for keeping your borders and planters in bloom throughout the year. 

Taking care of your spring flowers

To ensure the appearance of your garden is its best throughout the spring season and into summer, it is important to take good care of your spring flowers. From  your snowdrops to your daffodils and tulips, knowing how to take care of your spring flowers will guarantee bright, happy blooms all the way through the season. 

The best tip for taking care of your spring flowers is to keep them hydrated and ensure they get plenty of sunshine whilst protecting them from heavy winds. If your daffodils are growing in a particularly shady area, for example, we suggest moving them to an area where they can get up to 6 hours of sunlight per day. They look perfect along borders, in planters and even on a windowsill, so enjoy them while they bloom!


Place an order to summer-flowering bulbs and plants 

The months of March, April, and May are best for planting bulbs and plants that will flower throughout the summer months. As most gardeners will know, being a season ahead is important for ensuring that your garden looks its best all year round.

You can order summer bulbs and plants directly from our website. Delivered from our Lancashire nursery to your garden, no matter where you are based in the UK. 

Some of our most popular and desirable summer-flowering bulbs include: 

  • Dahlias 
  • Lilies 
  • Eucomis
  • Crocosmia
  • Begonias

Of which, the majority are sun loving plants. So, in order to ensure these produce the most beautiful display for summer, plant these in sunny spots of your garden. To be sure you are planting each individual bulb in the best spot and type of soil,check the product description and product details when you order. Alternatively you can get in touch with the One Click Plants team for any queries regarding your purchases.

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