Everything on our website can be planted now! Plant now for strong roots, vibrant blooms and a thriving spring!

by One Click Plants March 20, 2024 4 min read

Hanging baskets are particularly beautiful additions to a garden. A popular type of container amongst British gardeners, they thrive especially well in summer and deliver a stunning display of colour and natural aromas. Plus they attract a variety of species from bees and butterflies to your garden too!

Planting hanging baskets and other containers requires extra planning and care due to the minimal soil space and their unique placement in your garden. So, where to start? Keep reading this blog from our experts for the best advice for planting your hanging baskets and containers.


The right season to plant hanging baskets (summer vs winter) 

First things first, is now the right time to plant? 

As with any plants, shrub or tree, there’s a particular timing that guarantees the best and healthiest growth. For hanging baskets this will depend on your choice of plants.

Choosing your plants based on the season and also the environment in which you are placing your hanging baskets will guarantee happy plants.


For full sun and summertime baskets and containers, choose the following plants:
  • Sweet peas - perfect for full sun or partial shade, ideal for all types of containers and hanging baskets 
  • Petunias - Add colour and vibrancy to a hanging basket. Flowering throughout the summer season.
  • Strawberries! - Yes, that’s right, you can also plant fruit in both containers and hanging baskets. Strawberries in particular enjoy a placement in a partially shady or sunny spot and the raised position will protect them from pests.  

Alternatively, you can plant the following bulbs at these particular times for year round displays in your containers and baskets:

  • Winter plants like ViolaDaffodil, and Pansies can be planted in the Autumn months for winter displays. 
  • Spring bulbs can be planted in the Autumn too for a beautiful selection of Tulips, Crocuses, and Snowdrops as the weather begins to warm up. 
  • Summer bulbs, including Lilies, can be planted in both Autumn and Spring time. 

A step-by-step for planting your baskets and containers 

1. Make sure you have all the supplies you need
- A well-lined hanging basket or sturdy container with drainage holes
- Compost 
- The bulbs or plants you want to plant 
- Essential equipment like a trowel and a watering can

2. Prepare your basket or container 

Once you have everything you need, you can begin preparing your container or basket for planting. This may include lining the hanging basket if this isn’t included and making sure you have created enough drainage holes for watering. You can then begin to fill your container or basket with a potting mix or your choice of compost.


3. Begin planting your chosen plants 

Bulbs - If you are planting bulbs for flowering in a few months, place these on top of your first layer of soil, making sure their pointed end is facing upwards. These bulbs can be planted relatively close to one another. Then you should apply your next layer of compost making sure to cover your bulbs. Depending on the size of your container you can add several layers on top of one another, adding bulbs in between. 

Plants - For those planting a particular mix of plants, you can choose to plant them in your desired order. You may want to play around with the colours and height of the plants to create a display that is aesthetically pleasing. Often people will create patterns using different colours and sizes of plants. If you have chosen any trailers, add these to the edge of the basket for a beautiful hanging display. 


Watering and aftercare of your baskets and containers 

Once planted, your gardening skill is still required to maintain and care for your new hanging baskets and containers. Watering, in particular, will play a key role in the maintenance of your hanging baskets.

Having a consistent watering routine, particularly during summer and warmer months, will ensure that your hanging baskets thrive. Making sure to water the baskets until your basket is dripping with water guarantees well-hydrated plants. However, be careful to avoid overwatering. 

Signs of overwatering: 

  • The leaves of your plants are wilting or turning yellow 
  • You notice mouldy plants 
  • Signs of root rot or bad smelling plants and leaves 
  • Leaves are falling at a rapid rate including healthy leaves 

Certain types of summer bedding plants may also benefit from the addition of a liquid fertiliser. Of course, you should check each individual plant and its aftercare notes before using a liquid fertiliser. However, this is a great technique for spring and summer to keep the plants blooming throughout the season.


Deadheading your plants 

Deadheading spent flowers will also help to maintain the beautiful appearance of your flowering hanging baskets and containers. Whilst also ensuring a healthy environment for the other plants to grow. This should be done throughout their flowering season, whether this is summer or winter. 

For all the tools you need, check out our range of plants and bulbs for hanging baskets and shrubs for containers, as well as compostfertiliser  and baskets.

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