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Spiraea x cinerea 'Grefsheim' 5L

Spirea x Cinerea is a bee friendly deciduous shrub that will bear mounds of white flowers against grey-green foliage. This shrub will grow to heights of 125cm and will flower between the months of April and May. 

✓ White flowering

✓  Easy to grow

✓  RHS Award of Garden Merit

✓ Low maintenance and easy to grow

✓ Plant in Full Sun/Partial Shade

✓ Ideal for planting on bankings or slopes

✓ Height and spread: 150cm x 150cm

✓ Supplied as an established shrub in a 5L growers pot, pot width 22cm and already at a height of 60cm.

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This shrub is deciduous, it will lose its leaves in autumn, fresh new growth will appear in the spring. Prune spirea immediately after flowering, mature plants can be cut back by one third of old shoots to the base.  

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