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Viburnum tinus 'Eve Price' 9cm-5L

Viburnum tinus 'Eve Price' provides all year round interest, it begins with clusters of pink buds which open to reveal small star shaped flowers in late winter through to spring. This shrub produces berries in late spring - autumn which are loved by birds. This wonderful evergreen shrub has been awarded the prestigious RHS Award of Garden Merit. This popular shrub will thrive in sun or shade.    

✓ RHS Award of Garden Merit

✓ All year round interest

✓ Flattened heads of pinkish - white flowers open from purple/redish buds 

✓ Attractive to pollinators 

✓ Evergreen shrub 

✓ Can be planted in sun or shade

✓ Hardy

✓ Flowers December - April, followed by dark blue/black berries 

✓ Height and spread: 3m x 3m 

Two Sizes Available:

9cm Growers Pot - Height including pot 30cm
2L growers pot (17cm Pot Width) - 40-50cm in height including pot