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Sambucus nygra 'Black Lace' 9cm / 2L

Common elder, Sambucus nigra is a brilliant shrub which has beautiful lacey-black foliage and produces small pinky-white flowers in June-July which are followed by black/red berries in the autumn which are attractive to birds and can be used to make a wonderful wine.

✓ RHS Award of Garden Merit
✓ Purple black foliage from Spring to Autumn
✓ Scented
✓ White/Pink Flowering
✓ Ideal in containers or beds and borders
✓ Plant in Full Sun/Partial Shade (For best foliage colour, grow in Full Sun)
✓ Height and spread 3m x 2m 
✓ Deciduous 
✓ Fully hardy

Supplied in a 9cm / 2L growers pot which has a width of 19cm approx. Currently at a height of 10-20cm / 40-50cm including pot.

More information: 

Cut back to ground level in early spring, apply a mulch of well rotted compost or manure around the base of the plant