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Yew Hedging - Taxus Baccata 9cm/3L

A British long-living conifer hedge, easy to maintain and can be trimmed as stylishly as you'd like to. A great addition to add a boundary hedge to a small or large garden. English Yew will also provide red berries in the Autumn that are loved by birds but harmful to humans.

✓ Evergreen

✓ Full Sun/Part Shade

  Suitable for normal well-drained soils

✓ 20-40cm per year growth rate

✓ Bushy Plant

✓ 9cm growers pot at a height of 10-20cm including pot or 3L growers pot and 50-60cm including pot.

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Ideal for sun and shade and will grow in most normal well-drained soils.


Plant around 2-3ft apart in a single row to create a dense hedge, getting the lines accurate matters so you could use a string stretched between canes to help, slow growing but at 20-40cm per year.